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Enable Sales Teams

Meet prospects where they are to maximize move-ins.



Engage a growing segment of prospects that prefer not to talk to sales yet. Calls-to-action aimed at your website’s “hidden audience” typically drive a 20-40% increase in web leads.



Popular with senior living prospects, Roobrik Surveys utilize a motivational interview technique to educate prospects and boost their confidence in taking a next step.



Community sales teams receive 20+ useful insights with each Roobrik lead detailing prospects’ readiness for a change, care needs, living situation, family dynamics, and more.

Enable Your Sales Team with Roobrik

Roobrik equips sales teams with critical insights into potential clients’ readiness, concerns, and preferences, making it a powerful tool in your sales arsenal.

By integrating Roobrik at different stages of the discovery process, sales teams can tailor their strategies for maximum effectiveness. Roobrik leads are superior because of the rich, actionable prospect insights they come with, enabling senior living communities to engage prospects with unprecedented precision and empathy. This rich data transforms each lead from a mere contact into a comprehensive profile, allowing sellers to tailor their approaches with precision and empathy.

Ways to leverage Roobrik include:

  • Pre-tour surveys for insights into non-Roobrik leads
  • Re-engagement offers for leads showing signs of waning interest
  • Tools to align family members’ expectations and speed up the decision-making process
  • Insights into trends and priorities among your prospects

Lead Delivery

Roobrik fits into your existing sales workflows and tech stack, making Roobrik adoption seamless. Roobrik equips sellers with immediate, insightful data on prospects through lead notification emails and CRM integrations.

Leverage Prospect Insights

Roobrik equips sales teams with critical insights into potential clients’ readiness, concerns, and preferences, making it a powerful tool in your sales arsenal.

I can see them before I even speak with them on the phone. Knowing how to start them on their journey of research from what care level to begin the discussion with to what amenities to highlight based on their interests makes a big difference in my first touch base.

Nicole Pretre
Cedar Communities

Prospect Insights Sales Teams Can Use

Here’s a closer look at the types of insights Roobrik delivers and how sales teams can leverage them for personalized engagement:

Care Needs & Readiness

Understand whether a prospect is in the early stages of research or urgently seeking solutions. This helps prioritize follow-ups and tailor conversations to either provide general information or focus on immediate steps.

Living Situation

Knowing a prospect’s current living situation — whether they’re homeowners, renters, or living with family — allows for nuanced discussions about the logistics and emotional aspects of transitioning to a senior living community.

Hobbies and Interests

Insights into the prospect’s hobbies and interests help in highlighting community features that align with their lifestyle, making the community more appealing.

Financial Considerations

Information on a prospect’s financial readiness and concerns aids in framing the value proposition of the community in terms that resonate with their financial planning and capabilities.

Decision-Making Process

Information on who else is involved in the decision-making process and understanding the dynamics at play allows for a comprehensive engagement strategy that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders.

Barriers to Decision-Making

Identifying specific obstacles a prospect is facing, such as fears about moving or uncertainties about the right type of care, allows sellers to address these concerns directly, providing reassurance and clarity.

Communication Preferences

Knowing the preferred mode and timing for communication ensures that follow-ups are timely and welcomed, rather than intrusive.

Launching Conversations with Key Data Points

Upon reviewing the lead notification and Roobrik Lead Report, sales teams can take the right approach based on each prospect’s unique circumstances and needs.

For example:

If an adult child expresses concern about their parent’s care and safety, start by inquiring about the parent’s current well-being, demonstrating your concern and understanding.

A mention of VA benefits can be an opportunity to express gratitude for their service, immediately creating a connection based on respect and acknowledgment.

Interest in the community’s pet policy suggests a pet owner, which can lead to conversations about their pet, making the interaction more personal and relaxed.

Browse Roobrik’s selection of proprietary surveys that feed prospect insights to sales teams.

Roobrik Afford

Predict financial readiness without a calculator. Prioritize leads.

Roobrik Afford Survey
Simplify the intimidating financial evaluation process for prospects.
Guide prospects through the complex financial evaluation process with a conversational approach that doesn’t ask for a single number.
Enable sales to take the right approach with right level of effort. 
3 levels of financial readiness help your sales team prioritize effort while better-informed prospects save your sales team time.
Put Afford to work anywhere in the sales and marketing funnel.
Makes a great value-add touchpoint at top- and mid-funnel. Works bottom-funnel by driving SQLs and lead prioritization.

Integrations with the Best in the Business

Whether it’s collaborating with your agency or funneling leads into your marketing automation and CRM platforms, we’re built to optimize your efforts without any effort. Plus, we’re HIPAA compliant!

Check out our versatile offerings: whether you seek a tailored middleware solution or wish to create a new integration on demand, we’ve got you covered.

What they say

Cindy Sorgea
Colleen Pitrone
Janel Wait

From the beginning, the customer service has been outstanding, and the product has been instrumental in generating new leads and facilitating move-ins. Our sales teams are very appreciative of the insights gained from the assessment.

Cindy Sorgea Provision Living

Since the start of using Roobrk on our website, we have found that our online form submissions mostly come via the Roobrik tools. The prospect information is clear and concise and having it merged into our CRM is key. I appreciate the monthly reports too!

Colleen Pitrone Director of Sales, Randall Residence

I think Roobrik is great for helping us gauge how to talk to prospects (interests, timeline, readiness) and what their level of need is. It helps them get started in thinking through the process. Although it might not always be their first touch with us, it is a helpful aid for us and for them!

Carrie Sturn Cedar Community

Great tool, good insights for sales, positive feedback from clients, and wonderful Roobrik Client Success team.

Janel Wait Co-CEO, AgePop

Brightview Senior Living Case Study

Roobrik Lifts Web Leads 33% for Brightview Senior Living in 2023