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Argentum Takeaway: Optimism is in the Air

Perhaps it was all the tequila, the soothing currents of the San Antonio River, or the whisper-quiet e-scooters, but we heard a lot of optimism this year at Argentum.

Less “what do I need to do to keep my head above water?” and more “what can I do next?”

This didn’t mean that you weren’t all very busy — more than half of you are in the midst of a website redesign or CRM upgrade — but you wanted to know how you could keep building on the solid fundamentals you had in place. Here are some common characteristics:

  • You were surprised that there wasn’t a salad option for Tuesday lunch.
  • You generally come to Argentum with an open mind about new solutions.
  • You maintain calculations for cost-per-lead and cost-per-move-in and look for solutions that you can compare to those numbers.
  • You are already comfortable with paid search and are doing more with social.
  • You’re still struggling to build a culture of nurturing and re-engaging older leads, so…
  • You’re either considering or already using a marketing automation platform like ActiveDemand or Hubspot.
  • You’re likely using an industry-specific CRM like Enquire or Sherpa, and value (demand!) features that improve your teams’ workflows.
  • You want to combine working with outside partners with developing internal core competencies.
  • You want to differentiate, but you also want to see trends and solutions that “raise all ships” and encourage more older adults to seek senior living options.
  • You still insist on solutions that put families first, that respect the road that older adults and their families walk to find you, get to know you, and to call you home.

These are different conversations than we were having in Nashville, and even San Diego less than a year ago. We heard a ton of confidence, in skills, in teams, in partners, and an optimism that the positive results you’re seeing will grow and multiply.

See you again in Tampa if not sooner!